Welcome Flight School Owners and Managers. Will our programs help you attract more students and reduce dropout rates? Can we help increase your revenue? All the answers are right here.
We strongly recommend you take a few minutes to review all of the FAQ sections in the white panel on the right. If you do, you will know whether our programs can help you and your customers!
We WANT to help you grow. We want to be a partner. Find out if we can!
Important Flight School FAQs
If you may want to offer our financing to students, read this information FIRST!

You can double your revenue with the SAME number of flight students. When you finance entire training programs instead of one lesson at a time, you will have fewer dropouts and more licensed pilots.

Just make customers aware you have financing available. Hand them an application. Fax it in. We prepare the documents. Your student just signs and flies.

It costs you nothing to offer your customers what many of them really need – the funds to achieve their training goal. There are no hidden fees. No additional charges. Just a value added service that can grow your business.

You won’t need to wait days for approval. All applications are processed within 24 hours. Just apply, sign, and fly! The Flight Students link on the left will answer all your questions and help you apply.

Our transactions are non-recourse. All you have to do is obtain signatures and originate transactions honestly. If the customer does not pay, you have no liability.